Archive for the ‘photo’ Category

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I explored the LL building on September 27th, 2010 at around 4:30pm before a class. Here is the official line on the building from the authorities;

“As you would expect from the name, the Department of English and the School of International Letters and Cultures are located here. The Film and Media Studies Program also makes its residence in the building. First-year composition courses are capped at 19 students and many of the first-year foreign language courses have class size limits as well.

Built in 1964 and updated in 1969, ASU added Durham’s name in 1994 to honor G. Homer Durham, president of ASU from 1960 to 1969.”

This building has a really institutional feeling to it. the hallways are really long as the middle tower was added onto at different points following construction in 1963. until this trip I had only made it up to the third floor out of five, and that trip was a bad one. I had to go to my Greek prof’s office and do an oral exam for a GRK301 class. I dropped the class shortly there after.

The first three floors are made up of smallish classrooms and offices for faculty of the school of International Letters and Cultures.  The first two floors are the classrooms and the third floor is offices. I have had language classes in the building during my undergrad and am currently taking an evening master’s course at LL. Anyhow, the building…

This Building is really, really big. It is also old. Not just in years but in feel. the place just seems very old on the first three floors. the 4th and 5th not so old. It really feels like  two locations. The basement is like a prison. I could almost feel the stress of the different language students as I walked the first and second floor. you want to see stressed out undergrads take a stroll over to LL.

This building gets a ton of use and it shows; every classroom I’ve been in has felt dirty. Not unclean, just grimy in an old way.

I found this this door plate to so embody everything that is wrong with English major types. Anybody agree? Prose before…I guess.

Here are some amazing views for the north end of the building, off the staircase:

hey kiddies!

the photodevil went out and got himself a flickr account this fine afternoon.

Please add me as a contact!

Enjoy and share!

-the photo diablo

The Map Above is the Main campus of Arizona State University, were I am a graduate student. I also did my undergrad there as well. In the waning days of my undergrad I had a desire to explore every building on ASU before I walked. That didn’t happen. Instead that idea rattled around in my head for a year and I am now going to do an ASU Main exploration/photo/travel weekly blog. i plan to explore one building on the Main Campus, shot some photos and write about the classes I’ve had there, the knd of feel the building gives me and so on. This is nostalgic self love at it’s finest. Feel free to comment and travel along.  It should be noted that my views are just that, my own, I don’t represent the university and am not a spokesmen for the Sun Devils. This is simply one man’s voice.